%0 Journal Article %T POPE ALEXANDER VI AND MEMBERS OF THE BORGIA FAMILY IN THE POLITICAL LIFE OF THE ITALY LATE 15TH – EARLY 16TH CENTURY. PART I: GEOPOLITICAL POSITION OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE APENNINE PENINSULA AT THE END OF THE 15TH CENTURY. RODRIGO BORGIA: PART TO THE PAPACY %A Nastasyuk, N.P. %A Rastopchin, I.Y. %K Italy it the 15th – 16th centuries, countries of the Apennine Peninsula, geopolitical position, domestic and foreign policy Rodrigo Borgia, Alexander VI, papal family %J Psychological and pedagogical problems of human and social security %D 2023 %N 2023 %P 9 %I Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia