This article discusses climatic factors from the point of view of having an adverse impact on workers whose professional activities are directly related to the performance of work in open areas, sites and on the street. The WBGT index was taken as a criterion for evaluating the external thermal load under the conditions under consideration on the worker's body. The results of calculating the integral indicator of the index were analyzed from the point of view of the presence of a relationship with changes in the level of health of workers. On the basis of this analysis, it was concluded that this index should be taken into account when conducting the SOUT in conditions when workers work on the street due to the specifics of work when they are exposed to heating climatic factors, that this indicator should be taken into account when purchasing by organizations and enterprises of personal protective equipment to meet specific weather conditions in the climatic zone where the work is carried out.
special assessment of working conditions, WBGT index, microclimate, thermal comfort, overheating
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