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Abstract (English):
Ensuring fire safety is one of the most important functions of the goverment. The technical regulation of this area is full of various documents, which, in some cases, contain mutually exclusive provisions. This article considers the problem of technical regulation in the field of fire safety. The gaps in technical regulation in the field of fire safety in various states of Europe and South America are identified. Some inconsistencies and contradictions have been identified regarding the definition of fundamental concepts, such as the fire safety requirement and the fire compartment. Discrepancies are also indicated in the issues of the need to categorize premises according to explosion and fire hazard, as an identifying feature; filling openings in building structures; design of emergency exits, in terms of their geometric parameters. Obviously, one of a crucial task is to eliminate the identified discrepancies.

fire, fire safety, technical regulation, fire safety requirements, technical regulations, normative legal act, normative document, standardization
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