Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the influence of frequency-modulated electric potential on the change in the pressure of saturated vapors of individual hydrocarbons are considered. During the experiments, an increase in the pressure of saturated vapors of benzene, toluene, octane, isooctane, ethanol and a decrease in the pressure of saturated vapor of carbon tetrachloride were revealed. Regularities of changes in the evaporation rates of the studied substances in the temperature range 20–35 °C were obtained experimentally and discussed. An attempt was made to explain the revealed regularities of changes in the pressure of saturated hydrocarbon vapors under electrophysical action from the standpoint of the theory of intermolecular interactions.

variable frequency-modulated potential, saturated vapor pressure, hydrocarbons, differentiation, evaporation rate, intermolecular interactions
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