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Abstract (English):
The article reveals, describes and pays attention to centrifugal pumps in our country and abroad. Information is given about the design designs, technical solutions and prospects for their production, as well as the current state of pumping units of mobile fire extinguishing equipment in Russia. In accordance with the requirements of domestic standards, a parametric range of domestic fire pumps is presented according to nominal performance in comparison with foreign ones. The theoretical method of analysis of the existing systems of dosing of foaming agent in pumping units of fire trucks is made and recommendations on their choice are given. The advantages of electronic dosing systems of foaming agent with its direct injection are shown. Recommendations are given on the creation of pumping units of fire trucks for operation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Based on the expert research method, the conclusion is made about the need for domestic production of high-performance and submersible pumps.

analysis, fire pump, performance, system, foam mixer, concept, recommendation.
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