Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The requirements for the given characteristics of the reliability of networks are one of the promising and important tasks, since the cost of equipment, the service life and strategies for maintaining networks depend on this. The article presents an analysis of the reliability of data transmission systems with a cellular structure, shows the variability of the solution of the problem. The derivation of the equations of the system availability factor with the same elements in the system is presented, the formulas for calculating the reliability indicators in case of failure of some of the system elements with different network structure topology are given, the equations of the lower and upper limits of the system availability factor are derived. The results of modeling the dependence of the system availability factor are presented on the readiness factor of the element, a method for evaluating the reliability indicators of a cellular structure using simulation modeling is developed, a description of a non-asymptotic model of the functioning of a system element with built-in control is given, and the results of simulation modeling of the network element are presented.

simulation, system, mesh network, availability, probability of failure-free operation
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