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Abstract (English):
The existing voting system in the Republic of Iraq, which was used in the 2021 elections, is described, its inherent threats and shortcomings are noted. The principles of building modern systems of remote electronic voting are analyzed. The requirements for the security of the remote electronic voting system have been formed. A model and protocol for a promising system of remote electronic voting in Iraq based on homomorphic encryption with distributed decryption, which takes into account the features of the electoral system of the republic, has been developed. Analyzed the most likely threats to information security in this system and ways to prevent them. A demonstration layout of the remote electronic voting model has been developed. It is concluded that the proposed protocol meets the security requirements of the voting system: the secrecy of the vote and the anonymity of the voter are ensured; voter authentication; uniqueness and accuracy of voting; vote confirmation.

remote electronic voting, elections in Iraq, ElGamal cryptosystem, mix networks, blind signature, distributed key homomorphic encryption
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