Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities of modern technology and the concept of cyberpolygons for solving practical problems aimed at improving the stability and security of computer systems by improving the quality of training. In the context of a sharp increase in the number of computer attacks on the information infrastructure, it becomes very important to introduce modern information technologies into the training of specialists. In the developed countries of the world, cyberpolygons are actively used in teaching modern information security practices. Cyberpolygon technology based on simulation of cyber threats in a secure environment has been proven to be effective for the protection of systems and networks for almost two decades of its use in the world's leading universities. Practice has shown the particular importance in the training of personnel in modern methods of protection against computer attacks. As a result of research and generalization of foreign experience in applying a practice-oriented approach using cyberpolygons, the author comes to the conclusion that it is expedient to introduce them into the educational process of leading industry and departmental higher educational institutions in order to increase the effectiveness of consolidating knowledge, gaining skills in the field of information security, and developing competencies , allowing for further large-scale transformations in the field of digitalization of public administration.

cyberpolygon, training, modeling, cyberthreats, computer attack
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