Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of research works on automatic speech recognition systems of the Arabic language and automatic speech recognition systems of the main dialects of the Arab world. There are several methods for implementing speech recognition systems. One of the new methods is the use of neural networks and hidden Markov models used for speech recognition. Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages and one of the least researched in terms of speech recognition. This article is a brief overview of the available research in the field of Arabic speech recognition and the arabic yemeni dialect. The paper analyzes the sets of tools available for the development of Arabic speech recognition systems. The methods and algorithms used for the classification and identification of Arabic dialects are given. To date, there has been relatively little development of automatic speech recognition systems for Yemeni dialect compared to automatic speech recognition systems for modern standard arabic and automatic speech recognition systems for other arabic dialects.

speech recognition, arabic speech recognition, arabic yemeni dialect, neural networks, hidden Markov models, dialect identification, dialect classification
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