Describes the main schools and trends within globalistas paradigm of international relations theory. The theoretical and conceptual connection of globalistas paradigm and global geopolitics in the analysis and understanding of topical issues of global development and international relations.
international relations, globalist, global study, geopolitics
1. Rosenau J.N. Order and Disorder in the Study of World Politics // Ray Mghroori and Bennet Ramberg (eds.). Globalism versus Realism: International Relations, Third Debate. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1982. P. 1-7.
2. Frank A.G. Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969.
3. Wallerstein I. Globalization or the age of transition? Along term view of the trajectory of the world system // International Sociology. Vol. 15. 2000. № 3.
4. Vallerstayn I. Mirosistemnyy analiz: Vvedenie / per. N. Tyukinoy. M.: Izd. dom «Territoriya buduschego», 2006.
5. Chase-Dunn C. Interstate System and Capitalist World-Economy: One Logic or Two? W. Ladd Hollist and James N. Rosenau (eds.). World System Structure: Continuity and Change. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1981. P. 31.
6. Galtung J. A Structural Theory of Imperialism / Journal of Peace Research. № 2. 1971. P. 81-98.
7. Sivandan A. New circuits of imperialism // Race and Class. Vol. 30. № 4 (April - June 1989). P. 1-19.
8. Hall S. Brave new world // Socialist Review. Vol. 21. № 1. 1991. P. 58-60.
9. Mestrovich S.G. The Balkanization of the West: the confluence of postmodernism and postcommunism. Londo and New York: Routledge, 1994. P. 158-165.
10. Wood E.M. The retreat from class. London: Verso, 1986. P. 18-19.