The biography and genealogy of count Alexander Dmitriyevich Sheremetev is given, his activityas one of founders and the Chairman of Imperial Russian fire society, the founder of the Ulyanovsk fire brigade, the publisher of the Pozharny magazine is analyzed, its role in development and formation of fire protection of the Russian Empire is noted.
Empire, count, magazine «Firefighter», fire brigade, fire, fire fighting, extinguishing, guardianship, Imperial fire society, music, orchestra, pedigree
1. Sheremetevy v istorii Rossii: Vospominaniya. Dnevniki. Pis'ma / avt.-sost. A.I. Alekseeva, M.D. Kovaleva. M.: Izd. dom «Zvonnica», 2001.
2. Lugovoy A.A., Schablov N.N., Vinogradov V.N. Titulovannye ogneborcy carskoy Rossii. SPb.: S.-Peterb. un-t GPS MChS Rossii, 2016.
3. Vinogradov V.N., Schablov N.N., Kiselev V.F. Pozharnaya ohrana Sankt-Peterburga. SPb., 2012.
4. Brandmeysterskiy graf A.D. Sheremetev. URL: https://fort-i-ko.livejournal. com/ 96248.html (data obrascheniya: 20.11.2017).