It is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the difficulties that arise in dissertants in research and writing a thesis. The basic requirements to the candidate's dissertation are stated, the concept of scientific result, as well as the theoretical and practical significance of scientific research, as well as a number of other basic categories are given.
candidate dissertation, research objective, theoretical significance, research impact, industry science
1. Mac L.V., Maslikova O.A. Rekomendacii po oformleniyu dissertacii. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlya aspirantov i soiskateley uchenyh stepeney. SPb., 2005. 28 s.
2. Kuzin F.A. Kandidatskaya dissertaciya. Metodika napisaniya, pravila oformleniya i poryadok zaschity. M.: Os'-89, 1998. 208 s.
3. Rayzberg B.A. Dissertaciya i uchenaya stepen'. Posobie dlya soiskateley. M.: INFRA-M, 2007. 428 s.
4. Volkov Yu.G. Dissertaciya. Podgotovka, zaschita, oformlenie. M.: Gardarika, 2002.