Studied electrophysical method of increasing the efficiency of fire extinguishing compositions based on water. The object of study – the substance water as the main component piece of specific products to eliminate man-made emergencies.
water, air-foam mechanical, physico-chemical properties
1. Savenkova A.E., Gemish Z., Alekseik E.B. Vliyanie peremennyh elektricheskih poley na processy sozdaniya i stabilizacii vozdushno-mehanicheskih pen // Nauch.-analit. zhurn. «Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta GPS MChS Rossii». 2013. № 4.
2. O vliyanii peremennogo chastotno-moduliruemogo signala na izmenenie fiziko-himicheskih svoystv vody / E.G. Mityugova [i dr.] // Izv. S.-Peterb. gos. tehnol. in-ta (tehnich. un-ta). SPb.: SPbGTI (TU). 2012. № 16 (42). S. 48-51.