The paper considers the process of physical training of students on the rapid-Renamo movement and athletics in the period of deep specialization. Given the increasing load on theoretical and practical disciplines and service activities related to the internship is offered the method of performance of group exercises command and competitive me-Todd using a points system. The relevance of the proposed methods Dickey is to use the command-competitive method in DOS-achieving high results, as the creation of the model of stressful situations. In pre-overcoming of which requires more than the level of functionality, physical training and social stability of students. Carried out researches confirm the efficiency of the methods of use of group exercises command and competitive method of increasing the level of social stability, physical fitness in the period of deep specialization and training of students for future careers in fire departments of the State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia.
period of deep specialization, level of physical training, functional ability, social interaction, social stability, stress, team-competitive methods, point system
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