Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Automated control traffic on the road network of the city is today one of the most popular ways to improve road safety and is intended for automatic control of traffic on the roads in the areas of large man-made and natural disasters, large-scale mining areas. These sites are not only areas of the crossings, and major road junctions and damaged areas with the opportunity to bypass, as well as sites in the areas of man-made catastrophes, plots, organized through the city streets, and others.

automated traffic management, road safety

1. Ermoshin N.A., Egoshin A.M., Sobko G.I. i dr. Mobil'nyy avtomaticheskiy adaptivnyy kompleks upravleniya dorozhnym dvizheniem: pat. № 68160-2007 Ros. Federaciya; opubl. 10.11.2007. M.: Federal'naya sluzhba po intellektual'noy sobstvennosti, patentam i tovarnym znakam.

2. Semenov Yu.A. (GNC ITEF) Standart shirokopolosnoy besprovodnoy svyazi IEEE 802.16, server telekommunikacionnyh tehnologiy. URL: http://www.book.itep.ru (data obrascheniya: 15.08.2015).

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