An approach to the analysis of emergency management in the field of fire safety on the basis of risk assessment of fires in the Russian Federation. The approach allows for the classification of subjects of the Russian Federation on the largest fire risk for the formation of a system of measures of state programs in the field of fire safety to reduce fire risk.
fire safety, state program, statistical data, frequency of fires, deaths, injuries, damage by fire
1. Ob utverzhdenii metodiki opredeleniya raschetnyh velichin pozharnogo riska v zdaniyah i sooruzheniyah razlichnyh klassov funkcional'noy pozharnoy opasnosti (zareg. v Ministerstve yusticii Ros. Federacii 6 avg. 2009 g., reg. № 14486): Prikaz MChS Rossii ot 30 iyunya 2009 g. № 382. Dostup iz inform.-pravovogo portala «Garant».
2. Tehnicheskiy reglament o trebovaniyah pozharnoy bezopasnosti: Feder. zakon ot 22 iyulya 2008 g. № 123-FZ. M.: FGU VNIIPO, 2008. 157 s.
3. Pozhary i pozharnaya bezopasnost' v 2014 godu: stat. sb. / pod obsch. red. A.V. Matyushina. M.: VNIIPO, 2015. 138 s.
4. Federal'naya celevaya programma «Pozharnaya bezopasnost' v Rossiyskoy Federacii na period do 2017 goda» (utv. Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Ros. Federacii ot 30 dek. 2012 g. № 1 481). Dostup iz inform.-pravovogo portala «Garant».