Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Nowadays the main strategic task is planning and placement of the arctic complex rescue centers of EMERCOM of Russia, which was created within interest of protection the territory, population and critical important objects of the Arctic area of Russian Federation from emergency situation natural and man-made character. The solving of problem of adequate and operational reaction on the whole spectrum of arising risks and dangers in the Arctic area, and also optimal distribution allocated on the solving these problems of resources, requires a scientific approach. Making decisions on the definition of ratio structure-forming elements of the arctic complex rescue centers is based on the modeling and optimization of their operation. Designed in this article a model of optimization of structure of the arctic complex rescue centers of EMERCOM of Russia is one of the stages of the strategic planning of forces and means of EMERCOM of Russia on the whole territory of the Arctic area of Russian Federation.

Arctic area, arctic complex rescue centers, forces and means, resources, structure, modeling, optimization, structure-forming elements, emergency situation

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