Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Searching in database the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Russia has allowed to find 3118 patents, which were given in sphere of fire safety since 1994 into 2015. There were patented 142±9 every year. Fire safety invention took 0,55±0,02 % from all patented invention massive in Russia. The greatest contribution to structure of the granted patents made inventions on the firefighting equipment, the equipment and equipment (33,2 %), fire safety of technological processes and productions (16,3 %) and physical and chemical bases of development and termination of burning, a hazardous and explosive dangerous (15,9 %). Insufficient level of inventions on fire safety of the woods is noted (5,8 %), while n Russia there are about 20 % of all woods of the world. The analysis of inventions allows predicting development of branch of knowledge in the sphere of fire safety.

), emergency situation, fire, fire safety, invention, patent, Federal service for intellectual property (Rospatent)

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