In work it is offered to use a method of thermal extraction in combination with a molecular luminescence for an assessment of fire-dangerous properties of substances and materials. Installation is developed and tests by the new, earlier not applied in expert researches express method of the thermal luminescent analysis for the purpose of establishment of a possibility of identification in various materials of presence of traces of oil products are carried out. The offered technique allows, varying experimental conditions, to separately diagnose organic components of a matrix of an object of the carrier and the oil products brought from the outside.
thermal analysis, luminescent analysis, oil products, fire safety
1. Egorikov P.N., Reshetov A.A., Galishev M.A. Metodicheskaya sistema kriminalisticheskogo issledovaniya nefteproduktov v sudebnoy ekspertize // Nauch.-analit. zhurn. «Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta GPS MChS Rossii». 2012. № 4. S. 140-146.
2. Reshetov A.A., Galishev M.A., Sharapov S.V. Ispol'zovanie informacionnyh resursov spektral'nogo analiza putem predstavleniya graficheskoy informacii v chislennom vide metodom nelineynoy approksimacii funkciey Lorenca // Nauch.-analit. zhurn. «Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta GPS MChS Rossii». 2013. № 4. S. 66-73.