The author offers the way of diagnosing of sulphation of plates of the lead accumulator based on measurement of electromotive force of the lead accumulator right after the termination of the 10-hour mode of the category which is carried out up to the final digit tension, and repeated measurement of electromotive force of this accumulator in 4 hours of the parking without current. Accuracy of measurement of electromotive force is specified. On the measured values of electromotive force electrolyte density in a time of plates is determined by a known formula and the difference of density of electrolyte in a time of the plates measured to a staz after switching off of the category and in 4 hours of the parking of the accumulator without current is calculated. The size of this difference of density allows to judge sulphation of plates of the lead accumulator.
sulphation of plates, density of electrolyte, accumulator electromotive force, final digit tension, time of plates, difference of density of electrolyte, lead accumulator
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