The is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the provision of basic safety measures during repair work on systems, buildings and devices of man-made objects. A set of measures to ensure safe working conditions with power tools, pneumatic tools, electric welding works, as well as when working in tanks and using gas cylinders.
technogenic objects, repair works, hull constructions, protective means, electric welding works
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2. Efremov S.V., Caplin V.V. Bezopasnost' v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah: ucheb. posobie. SPb.: SPb GASU, 2011. 296 s.
3. Pahno A., Shok V. Perevozka opasnyh gruzov v cisternah: posobie dlya voditeley. M.: Specportal, 2017. 219 s.