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Abstract (English):
The organization and implementation of fire extinguishing is one of the main tasks of fire protection units, regardless of their type. Therefore, for its successful implementation, it is necessary to carry out thorough work on training specialists, improving the regulatory framework in the field of fire safety, as well as improving the tactical and technical characteristics of fire and rescue equipment. The article presents a comparative analysis of manual fire barrels of domestic and foreign production used in the units of EMERCOM of Russia at the present time. Also, in order to simplify the choice of a particular manual fire barrel for providing fire and rescue garrisons of EMERCOM of Russia, generalized complex indicators of their effectiveness have been developed. Based on these data, a comparison of manual fire barrels of domestic and foreign production by the Pareto method was carried out. Thus, based on the data obtained, a conclusion was made about the most optimal, in terms of tactical and technical parameters and price/quality ratio, manual fire barrel for equipping fire departments of EMERCOM of Russia.

manual fire barrel, fire extinguishing, classification, characteristics of manual fire barrels, localization, liquidation, comprehensive assessment, dimensionless parameters
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