Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Among the main directions of sustainable development of locomotive traction of railway transport, an important role belongs to ensuring fire safety. The purpose of the study is to assess the fire hazard of locomotives operating on various energy sources and to determine the prospects for the development of locomotive traction. Fire safety of locomotives should be considered in relation to their other characteristics. A systematic approach is needed, for the implementation of which the hierarchy analysis method is used. Its advantages are proved. The decomposition into a hierarchy of the task of analyzing the prospects for the development of locomotive traction is presented. The calculation method is given. The statistical significance of the obtained results is proved. Criteria are formed, their characteristics are given. The optimal number of criteria for conducting reasonable numerical comparisons has been determined. The use of the hierarchy analysis method made it possible to identify the mutual influence and importance of the criteria considered, to determine the place of the «Fire safety» criterion in the system of priorities for the development of locomotive traction. The comparison of locomotives operating on various energy sources according to the criterion of «Fire safety» is carried out. On the basis of the constructed system of global priorities, the prospects for the development of locomotive traction are determined.
sustainable development, railway transport, locomotives, fire safety, fire, hierarchy analysis method, energy source
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