Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure the fire safety of hydrogen filling stations is based on the analysis and assessment of their fire hazard. The physicochemical features of the use of hydrogen as a fuel indicate that a hydrogen filling station, as an object of technical regulation in the field of fire safety, is explosive and flammable. An overview of information on the state of fire protection during the operation of hydrogen filling stations in foreign countries is given. The most probable events that may be the causes of fire-hazardous situations in the construction of scenarios for the occurrence and development of fires at hydrogen filling stations, entailing the death of people, are analyzed. To determine the frequency of control (supervisory) measures in relation to hydrogen filling stations, it is proposed to calculate the severity of the negative consequences of fires, taking into account the criterion of the probability of damage to a hydrogen filling station, an algorithm for determining it is given. It is shown that the introduction of the fire hazard value of a hydrogen filling station as one of the criteria for classifying the object of protection as a risk category should contribute to reducing the fire hazard of hydrogen filling stations located in the residential area of urban development. Keywords: hydrogen, filling station, fire safety, fire risk, control and supervisory measures, risk-oriented approach

hydrogen, filling station, fire safety, fire risk, control and supervisory measures, risk-oriented approach
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