Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides an analysis of statistical data on the growth of solid municipal wastes in the world and in Russia, the annual growth of which is increasing. Data on the quantity of grounds for solid municipal wastes disposal and their distribution over the territory of the country are given. The problem of solid municipal wastes utilization and impossibility to recycle them completely in Russia is considered. One of the problems is an increase in a probability of people poisoning in the settlements situated in the vicinity of such dumps as a result of fires due to an increase of packaging products in the morphological composition of solid municipal wastes that emit hazardous chemical substances in the course of combustion. The analysis of existing methods of prognostication of consequences of fires at disposal sites and landfills with solid wastes is considered and the prognostication method on the basis of the known OND-86 is offered. This method enables to determine the zone of toxic contamination in case of fires at disposal sites with solid wastes with an allowance for possible more reliable quantitative and qualitative composition of solid wastes. Calculations on determination of toxic contamination zones in case of fires at a landfill with solid municipal wastes according to the proposed methodology are given and the obtained overestimated results are shown when using the initial data on determination of the mass emission of hazardous chemical substances of the existing regulatory documents. The proposed methodology makes it possible to calculate stacking methods that provide the lowest yield of hazardous chemical substances in fires at solid waste landfills.

solid municipal waste, hazardous chemicals, toxic air contamination zone, concentration of hazardous chemicals, threshold contamination depth
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