Considered are the problems of the dynamics of business and technical risk in the sphere of exploitation of the sea port infrastructure.
volatility, the risk of replacement, technical risk, sedimentation, emergency and rescue formation
1. Auditorskie zaklyucheniya po finansovoy (buhgalterskoy) otchetnosti Stividornyh kompaniy OAO «Morskoy port Sankt-Peterburg» za 2008-2010 gg. URL: (data obrascheniya: 11.09.2012).
2. Tender 2011 g. na provedenie dnouglubitel'nyh rabot MP SPb. URL: (data obrascheniya: 11.09.2012).
3. Pozharnaya statistika. Mezhdunarodnaya associaciya Pozharno-spasatel'nyh sluzhb. Moscow-Berlin, 2006. URL: (data obrascheniya: 11.09.2012).