Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the combustion characteristics of composite polymeric materials filled with hollow glass spheres. Defined flammability range of composite materials based on polyurethane, chloroprene rubber «Nairit», a copolymer of butadiene and styrene SB-278, methacrylic acid. As fillers used alumosilicate microspheres of the following composition: SiO 2 – 63 %; Fe 2O 3 – 4 %; MnO – 0,05 %, Al 2O 3 – 30 %, MgO – 15 %, CaO – 1 %, K 2O + Na 2O – 5 % . The experimental results allowed us to refer to the composite hydrogels nonflammable substances in Class F-1. The high content of bound water in these materials is the reason for lowering the temperature of the product gas, as well as a relatively high mass loss during combustion.

polymer materials, combustion, filler, alumosilicate glass spheres

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