The article is devoted to questions of counteraction to illegal circulation of narcotics in correctional institutions of Federal Service of Execution of Punishments of Russia, and also to questions of normative regulation of operative-search activity in correctional institutions of Federal Service of Execution of Punishments of Russia.
correctional institutions, the operative-search prevention, illegal circulation of narcotics
1. Ob utverzhdenii instrukcii po profilaktike pravonarusheniy sredi lic, soderzhaschihsya v uchrezhdeniyah ugolovno-ispolnitel'noy sistemy: Prikaz Ministerstva yusticii Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 20 noyab. 2006 g. № 333 // Byulleten' Ministerstva yusticii RF. 2007. № 1. S. 99-112.