The article shows the contribution of the local air-raid soldiers by defending of Leningrad, their greatest fortitude and heroism by the battle for the city.
Leningrad, hero-city, local air-raid, soldiers and commanders, fighters, government rewards
1. CGAIPD SPb. F. 24. Op. 2 v. D. 6263. L. 14, 16.
2. CGAIPD SPb. F. 24. Op. 2 v. D. 5920 a. L. 2. F. 4000. Op. 10. D. 819. L. 2-3.
3. CGAIPD SPb. D. 5920 a. L. 3-4.
4. CGAIPD SPb. F. 24. Op. 2 v. D. 5920 a. L. 5.
5. Dva goda bor'by: peredovaya // Boec MPVO. 1944. 22 marta.
6. CGAIPD SPb. F. 24. Op. 2 v. D. 5909. L. 72. D. 5920 a. L. 5-6.
7. CGAIPD SPb. D. 5920 a. L. 7, 9.
8. CGAIPD SPb. F. 24. Op. 2 v. D. 5920 a. L. 7, 9.
9. CGAIPD SPb. D. 6263. L. 17-18.
10. CGAIPD SPb. D. 5920 a. L. 6-8.
11. Chest' i slava otvazhnym boycam protivovozdushnoy oborony // Leningradskaya pravda. 1942. 15 yanv.
12. Otdel special'nyh fondov i reabilitacii Informacionnogo centra GUVD SPb i LO. F. 1. Op. 1. D. 92. L. 189-192 ob.
13. CGAIPD SPb. F. 24. Op. 2 v. D. 6263. L. 76-79, 94-95.
14. CGAIPD SPb. F. 4000. Op. 10. D. 276. L. 4-8.
15. Telegramma Tov. Lagutkinu, Savchenko // Boec MPVO. 1943. 11 marta.
16. MPVO - Leningradu: peredovaya // Boec MPVO. 1944. 4 noyab.
17. Savchenko S. Muzhestvennye boycy goroda Lenina // Boec MPVO. 1944. 4 noyab.
18. Boevoy orden na Znameni: polk MPVO v oborone Leningrada // Narkomvnudelec. 1944. 8 iyunya.