Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the aims, tasks and content of special treatment, are classification and main directions of improvement of means of special treatment.

radiation, chemical and biological protection, decontamination, special processing, deactivation, decontamination, disinfection, partial and full of special treatment, sanitation, means special treatment

1. O grazhdanskoy oborone: Feder. zakon Ros. Federacii ot 12 fevr. 1998 g. № 28-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoy sistemy «Konsul'tantPlyus».

2. GOST R 22.0.02-94. Bezopasnost' v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah. Terminy i opredeleniya osnovnyh ponyatiy. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoy sistemy «Konsul'tantPlyus».

3. Oficial'nyy sayt MChS Rossii. URL: http://www.mchs.gov.ru/ (data obrascheniya: 25.03.2014).

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