Russian Federation
To improve the efficiency of the administration of the EMERCOM of Russia there was proposed a method of identification and analyzing of challenging issues in the activities of officers of Crisis Management Centers of EMERCOM of Russia, in order to resolve these issues with the help of automatization and intellectualization.
activity analysis, challenging issues, automatization, officer’s functions
1. O edinoy gosudarstvennoy sisteme preduprezhdeniya i likvidacii chrezvychaynyh situaciy: Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Ros. Federacii ot 30 dek. 2003 g. № 794. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoy sistemy «Konsul'tantPlyus».
2. Sistemnyy analiz i prinyatie resheniy / pod red. V.S. Artamonova. SPb.: S.-Peterb. un-t GPS MChS Rossii, 2009. 398 s.
3. Anfilatov V.S., Emel'yanov A.A., Kukushkin A.A. Sistemnyy analiz v upravlenii: ucheb. posobie. M.: IFiS, 2009.