Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There was developed a methodology describing the formation of information monitoring of noise and chemical air pollution from transport on urbanized territories in terms of individual risks, physical and external costs. The implementation of the information process of monitoring, short-term and long-term forecasting of complex noise and chemical pollution of the atmosphere by city transport, including cars, trams, trolley buses, electric trains, commuter trains and subways, is exemplified with Saint-Petersburg. It was established that the greatest positive environmental effect for Saint Petersburg should be expected from the future substitute of the vehicle fleet by the vehicles of the fourth and fifth ecological classes.

information process, information system, urban transport, air pollution, monitoring, hazardous substances, noise, modeling, forecasting, technological risk, damage

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4. Lozhkin V.N., Lozhkina O.V. Environment Safety Management of Urban Road Transport. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH and Co., Saarbrucken, DU, 2011. 195 p. (in Russian).

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