Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the authors observe the structure and content of the model law project «On emergency rescue service and rescuer status» for Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States which was worked out in the Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to the order of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the model law project there are the last tendencies of legislation in the area of the emergency rescue services of the countries of CIS, and possibilities of the juridical policy. In this project you can find norms regulating voluntary rescuers, volunteers and the team of young rescuers. The rescuers are differentiated as professional, non-professional, volunteers, young rescuers. The model law project confirms that emergency situations public function is one of the most important functions of state. It also contains well-defined requirements to the professional rescuers, issues of the rescuers’ education, information about their certification and formation of the labor agreement. The model law project is published for the wide social discussion.

Model law for Member Nations of the Commonwealth of CIS, emergency rescue service, rescuers, rescuer status, emergency, emergency situations public function

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