The authors review Organization of the Collective Security Treaty member states recommendations for harmonization of legislation in the cross-border cooperation emergency situations sphere. The Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia developed this document for the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty Parliamentary Assembly. The authors made a comparative legal analysis of the national normative acts of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty member states, international agreements, the practice of cross-border cooperation in this field. The authors defined the principles, formulated the tasks, specified the forms of cross-border cooperation of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty member states in the event of emergencies. The authors suggested developing a draft multilateral agreement of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty member states in the field of cross-border cooperation emergency situations sphere, the model bilateral agreement of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty member states in the field of cross-border cooperation emergency situations sphere, measures to improve border, customs and other procedures control, establish points of simplified passes through the state border.
harmonization of legislation, recommendations for harmonization of legislation, emergency, cross-border cooperation, Organization of the Collective Security Treaty
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