This article represents the of the results of retrieval of patent documents in Espacenet global database, which is maintained by the European patent office. The search results allowed to reveal125,9 thousand responses to patent documents collected in class A62 «Rescue fire»of the International patent classification for 20 years (1997-2016). Annually in the world recorded(6300±360) of the patent documents in class A62. This work shows the distribution of patent documents A62B devices division ", device or method for rescue of life", A62C «fire fighting» and A62D «chemical means for extinguishing fires ...» and countries. Publications associated with these subclasses, respectively, and 42.9, 41.6 per and 15.5 %. Polynomial trends of patent documents to subclass A62C A62B and at high coefficients of determination indicate an increase in subclass A62D - reduction. The Russian segment of patent documents is 3.8 % and is correlated with 6th place in the world. Electronic database Espacenet ( allows scientists and engineers free remote access to over 75 million patent documents in the world
emergency situations, fire, innovation, invention, International Patent Classification, database, Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), European Patent Office
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