Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It is devoted to consideration of issues related to the management of technical means of fire protection and to ensure safety in emergency situations of anthropogenic nature. The main provisions of the instruction on fire safety measures are described with the use of technical means of fire protection. An evacuation control process is shown, which is carried out by sending sound signals from the command pulse generated by the automatic installation of a fire alarm.

automatic fire extinguishing installation, warning system and evacuation control of people, internal fire water supply system, emergency (general exchange) ventilation system, smoke protection

1. Efremov S.V., Caplin V.V. Bezopasnost' v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah: ucheb. posobie. SPb.: SPb GASU, 2011. 296 s.

2. Teoriya i praktika resheniya zadach po inzhenernoy zaschite naseleniya i territoriy v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah / A.I. Bokarev [i dr.]. Omsk: Izd-vo OmGTU, 2010. 256 s.

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4. Chernyh A.K., Kozlova I.V. Podhod k modelirovaniyu sistemy upravleniya materal'no-tehnicheskim obespecheniem sil i sredstv MChS Rossii v usloviyah chrezvychaynyh situaciy regional'nogo haraktera // Nauch.-analit. zhurn. «Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta GPS MChS Rossii». 2015. № 2. S. 65-70. References

5. Efremov S.V., Caplin V.V. Bezopasnost' v chrezvychajnyh situaciyah: ucheb. posobie. SPb.: SPb GASU, 2011. 296 s.

6. Teoriya i praktika resheniya zadach po inzhenernoj zashchite naseleniya i territorij v chrezvychajnyh situaciyah / A.I. Bokarev [i dr.]. Omsk: Izd-vo OmGTU, 2010. 256 s.

7. Tekhnicheskie sredstva provedeniya i obespecheniya avarijno-spasatel'nyh rabot: sprav. posobie. M.: Izd-vo VNII GOCHS, 2009. 256 s.

8. Chernyh A.K., Kozlova I.V. Podhod k modelirovaniyu sistemy upravleniya materal'no-tekhnicheskim obespecheniem sil i sredstv MCHS Rossii v usloviyah chrezvychajnyh situacij regional'nogo haraktera // Nauch.-analit. zhurn. «Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta GPS MCHS Rossii». 2015. № 2. S. 65-70.

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