Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article, in connection with the problem of ensuring environmental safety and, in particular, in connection with the need to overcome the low level of environmental education and environmental culture of the population, the results of research on the development of energy, the use of renewable energy sources on a planetary scale and in Russia are considered. The research in the framework of this article was carried out, among other things, with the aim of further using the results obtained in the development of an educational and methodological manual at the department of security service of the Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia, the content of which is related to the theoretical and practical study in classes on the disciplines of environmental orientation and life safety of the impact on ensuring environmental safety of alternative energy, separate renewable energy sources. This article presents forecast data in the field of energy development in the world, in individual countries and in Russia by 2050, published on the EES EAEC website. The prospects for the development of the electric power industry for the foreseeable future, up to 2050 in the whole world and Russia, are shown, according to which a significant increase in the use of renewable energy sources is expected and, consequently, a reduction in the negative impact on the environment, an increase in environmental safety.

forecast, environmental safety, traditional and alternative energy, renewable and fossil sources
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