Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It is shown that the task of taking into account the impact of thermal radiation from a fire for determining safe distances for situating fire engines and choosing positions for firefighters during developing operational fire extinguishing plans for industrial buildings with enlarged window openings is not fully supported by the functionality of existing software systems. Since thermal radiation as one of the components of dangerous fire factors valuable only with a sufficient exposure, we analyze events tree branches associated with the process of diffusion combustion on the surface of a flammable liquid spill. Algorithms of the fire temperature regime module in the room of an industrial building with an enlarged window opening are presented based on an integral model and the module of the directional pattern of thermal radiation through window openings. The results of numerical modeling using the presented software product allow us to conclude that the effect of thermal radiation diaphragmization by window openings weakens with distance from the front of the heat-emitting surface and becomes negligible at distances of five meters and more.

thermal radiation of fire, safe distance, irradiation coefficient, window integral model of fire, fire load
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