Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This study is devoted to solving the problem of choosing the preferred method of monitoring wildfires occurring in mountainous areas. The paper considers the main factors contributing to the occurrence and rapid spread of fires in mountainous areas, which justifies the need for prompt decision-making on the use of firefighting forces and means. The adequacy of the decisions taken is largely determined by the results of fire monitoring. To select the most preferred method for monitoring wildfires in mountainous areas, the work analyzed four alternative methods according to eleven criteria using the hierarchy analysis method. The results of the analysis showed that, based on expert assessment, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring wildfires in mountainous areas is the highest priority. Unmanned aerial vehicles allow you to obtain prompt and reliable information about the development of a fire in real time, which directly affects the timely adoption of necessary measures to eliminate it.

monitoring methods, unmanned aerial vehicles, monitoring, comparative analysis, wildfires, mountainous terrain, management, modeling, interaction.
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