Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It has been shown that the use of various physical methods in the process of examination of the state of process pipelines involves working with a significant range of measuring instruments and a variety of document formats. In the course of the study, a model of information support for the process pipeline life cycle was formed, based on the CALS concept, which, within the framework of the information space of the «Process Pipeline», can provide uniform methods of effective interaction between employees of control and supervisory bodies, enterprise personnel and specialists of expert organizations, taking into account the content of the current regulatory framework. To host resources, a private cloud infrastructure is offered in the form of a cluster of MS Windows Server DataCenter running Hyper-V. The local scheme of information interaction between the enterprise, the expert organization and the control and supervisory body, as well as the algorithm for loading the technical report into the database, have been developed and implemented.

process pipeline, pipeline life cycle, combustible liquid, flammable liquid, integrated information environment, fire danger, fire safety
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