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Abstract (English):
The issues of physical and mathematical modeling of the processes of distribution, accumulation and extremely dangerous impact of suspended particles from highways on the environment and the health of the urban population under adverse meteorological and special transport conditions during peak hours are considered. The results of a critical analysis of modern domestic and foreign physical-analytical approaches are presented, which are recommended to be used for the physical-mathematical description of the specific processes of emission, propagation and accumulation in the stratified atmosphere in the vicinity of a motorway of solid particles of various origins and, consequently, different levels of negative sanitary hygienic impact, estimated by the maximum permissible concentrations at the level of human breathing. The areas of application of the models and recommended measures to reduce extremely dangerous air pollution with suspended particles of various origins on the highway are analyzed. In conclusion, summarizing conclusions are given on the improvement of the physical and mathematical models analyzed in the work, aimed at improving the accuracy of the results by taking into account relevant factors in order to effectively manage urban air quality.

distribution of pollutants, dusty products, highways, environment, physical and mathematical models, impact, road transport
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