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Abstract (English):
In the article, the normative extinguishing capacity of substances is compared with the results of experiments on extinguishing class B fires. It is shown that the normative, real and laboratory effectiveness of powder extinguishing compositions are in good agreement. The presented studies confirm that the effectiveness of class B flame suppression can be improved by a factor of two by adding a small amount of inhibitor to the inert substance. The issue of equipping the object of protection with powder fire extinguishers is discussed from the point of view of taking into account their effectiveness. It is shown that due to the low requirements for the quantity and quality of fire extinguishers, a fire safety specialist must carefully pay attention to the weight, installation location and actual effectiveness of the fire extinguisher to improve the quality of the fire prevention system at the protection facility.

fire safety, fire extinguishing agent, fire extinguishing ability, fire extinguishing
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