Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Reliable energy supply to military consumers directly affects the security of the country. That is why it is necessary to develop an energy system that would meet the requirements of new realities. One of the main tasks facing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the protection of State sovereignty and the preservation of security in the Arctic zone. In order to maintain the combat capability and combat readiness of a military facility, it is necessary to provide it with fuel and energy resources in a timely manner. The issue of optimizing the operation of boilers is relevant today and requires the search for new solutions. This methodology takes into account criteria of different types: periodic (cyclic) and random. All factors have varying degrees of influence on the choice of the optimal strategy for optimizing the operation of an energy facility. As optimization measures, the methodology considers the expediency of converting boiler houses from diesel fuel to gaseous fuel.

Armed forces of the Russian Federation, military facility, energy supply, power system, liquefied natural gas, optimization of boiler room operation
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