Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the consideration of issues related to the design of electric motors and the use of submersible electric machines in the marine environment on drilling rigs and platforms. The article describes the calculation of the stator winding, the size of the stator groove and the number of conductors in the groove of electric motors of submersible electric machines. The mathematical apparatus for calculating the stator winding, the size of the stator groove and the number of conductors in the groove of asynchronous electric motors is given. Some characteristic features of the calculation of asynchronous electric machines of open design when calculating the height of the groove, determining the height of the backrest, permissible values of induction in the wall at rated load are also considered. The calculated diameter of the stator package, the tooth division of the stator at this diameter, the width and cross-sectional area of the teeth are considered.
winding wire, submersible electric machines, submersible electric motors, double-layer insulation, groove height, useful power, rotational speed, calculated diameter of the stator package
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