Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 614.846.6 Пожарные машины
The issue of diagnosing the operational and technical readiness for emergency response to fire risks of special-purpose vehicles is considered according to the criteria for the acceptable efficiency of the functioning of power plants of fire vehicles under operating conditions. An original instrumental apparatus is proposed for the implementation of an intelligent diagnostic process, including a working mathematical and analytical model in the form of a system of multiple regression equations, which relates the efficiency indicators of fuel equipment adjustments (cyclic fuel supply gc nom, injection pressure Rinj, free section of nozzles µf avtr, injection advance angle inj) with a combination of quality parameters of the combustion process (exhaust gas smoke K, CH, NOx, CO2, CO), measured (controlled) by gas analyzers. The diagnostic method can be implemented according to a program by the on-board processor of a fire truck of 4–5 technological generations or using pre-prepared nomograms.
service, fire safety, special vehicle, technical readiness, efficiency criterion, regression equation, diagnostics
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