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Abstract (English):
Information is provided on the development and production of high-altitude rescue vehicles at the present stage, as well as on the transition of domestic standards to the international standardization system within the framework of the states belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States. The differences between the requirements of modern standards for fire ladders and car lifts, which come into force in Russia on July 1, 2024, and those in force, are considered. The analysis of modern terminology in the design and operation of fire ladders and car lifts, new approaches to some of their parameters, as well as the introduction of additional parameters is given. The requirements for the chassis that ensure the prompt departure of high-altitude rescue vehicles to the place of fire (accident), the conditions for ensuring cargo static and dynamic stability when applying fire extinguishing agents, the need for equipment with control devices and pointers in connection with the use of computer technologies in their control systems have been formed. The technical solutions for providing modern fire trucks with automatic boom stage alignment systems are analyzed, promising approaches to creating boom stage alignment systems are substantiated. The conclusion is made about the compliance of modern high-altitude rescue vehicles with the requirements of Interstate standards.

analysis, interstate standard, high-altitude rescue cars, fire ladder, fire truck lift, term, parameter, accordance
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