Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the problem of managing the emergency response process using the example of aircraft accidents. The mechanism of operation of fire and rescue units in extinguishing aircraft fires is investigated. The analysis of the origin of emergency situations of aircraft accidents has been carried out, on the basis of which the operations of aircraft operation in which the origin of emergency situations is statistically the most likely are determined. Based on the results of the analysis, typical situations of aircraft accidents are presented in the form of graph models. On these models, certain significant and critical situations are highlighted, divided by various aircraft operations. With the help of these graph models and the introduction into the system of dependence of the conducted rescue and other urgent work on the place of occurrence of an emergency, an algorithm was developed to support decision-making for the person responsible for coordinating units and conducting rescue and other urgent work related to the elimination of this kind of emergency situations, which reflects the full range of potential accidents that can happen to an aircraft. This algorithm can be used both for training the heads of fire and rescue units, and for creating emergency response techniques in case of aircraft accidents.

management, decision-making, emergency, aircraft, accident response, fire extinguishing, fire safety, airport, aviation fuel
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