Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article offers a look at the philosophy of Russian cosmism as an original way of searching for the Russian intelligentsia of the late XIXth and early XXth centuries, who were trying to find their voice and their place in understanding the modern world, as well as existence in general. Unlike other movements that followed european traditions of thought, cosmists found their original path in establishing a new stage and a new goal of cosmic evolution, conditioned by the central place of man in the transformation of living matter, the resurrection of the dead or the achievement of immortality. In this regard, we can talk about the closeness of very different thinkers, not only philosophers, but also scientists and writers. Using the ideas of Nikolai Fedorov, Maxim Gorky and Vladimir Vernadsky as an example, the article shows what means and what goals of future evolution the Russian cosmists envisioned for themselves.

Gorky, Fedorov, Vernadsky, cosmism, life, resurrection of the dead, time, noosphere
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