Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of administrative barriers for both executive authorities and controlled persons were considered. A partial analysis of the situation with fires and their consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation in recent years in the field of fire safety is given. It is stated that a significant part of the causes of fires occurring in buildings and structures falls on the emergency mode of operation of power grids. It is noted that arc breakdown or sparking is one of the most common causes of «electric» fires. The issue of responsibility for the serviceability and integrity of electrical wiring at the protection facility was touched upon. It was concluded that the progress of the goal to improve the quality of life of citizens, among other things, is achieved by the use of experimental methods of legal regulation.

fire causes, fire prevention, fire safety, arc breakdown, electrical fires
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1. Putin announced the exemption from inspections of businesses that are not associated with risks to citizens and environment // Online publication «Kommersant». URL: (access date: 26.05.2024).

2. On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation: Federal law of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2020 № 248-FL (with amendments and additions). Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».

3. On federal state fire supervision: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2012 № 290 (with amendments and additions). Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».

4. On the specifics of the organization and implementation of state control (supervision), municipal control: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2022 № 336 (with amendments and additions). Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus»».

5. Analysis of the situation with fires and their consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation for 12 months in 2022. M.: Department of supervision and preventive work of the EMERCOM of Russia, 2023.

6. Analysis of the situation with fires and their consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation for 3 months in 2023. M.: Department of supervision and preventive work of the EMERCOM of Russia, 2023.

7. On the approval of the Rules of fire protection in the Russian Federation: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation № 1479 of September 16, 2020 (with amendments and additions). Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».

8. On amendments to paragraph 32 of the Rules of fire protection in the Russian Federation: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2023. № 510. Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».

9. The Civil code of the Russian Federation from November 30, 1994. № 51-FL (with amendments and additions). Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».

10. On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 № 87 (with amendments and additions). Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».

11. About fire safety: Federal law of the Russian Federation № 69-FL of December 21, 1994 (with amendments and additions). Access from informative-legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

12. CTIF Fire Statistics data from 2019 (CTIF Center for World Fire Statistics) // CTIF – International Association of Fire Services for Safer Citizens through Skilled Firefighters. URL: (access date: 26.05.2024).

13. CTIF Fire Statistics data from 2020 (CTIF Center for World Fire Statistics) // CTIF – International Association of Fire Services for Safer Citizens through Skilled Firefighters. URL: (access date: 26.05.2024).

14. CTIF Fire Statistics data from 2021 (CTIF Center for World Fire Statistics) // CTIF – International Association of Fire Services for Safer Citizens through Skilled Firefighters. URL: (access date: 26.05.2024).

15. Brushlinskij N.N., Sokolov S.V., Grigoreva M.P. Somparative analysis of the situation with fires in the countries around the world // Fires and emergencies: prevention, supression. 2022. № 4. P. 5–12. DOI:

16. Fires and fire safety in 2019: statistics / P.V. Polekhin [et al.]; under the general editorship D.M. Gordienko. M.: VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, 2020. 80 p.

17. Fires and fire safety in 2020: statistics / P.V. Polekhin [et al.]; under the general editorship D.M. Gordienko. M.: VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, 2021. 112 p.

18. Fires and fire safety in 2021: statistics / V.S. Goncharenko [et al.]; under the general editorship D.M. Gordienko. M.: VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, 2022. 114 p.

19. Fires and fire safety in 2022: information and analysis / V.S. Goncharenko [et al.]; under the general editorship D.M. Gordienko. M.: VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, 2023. 80 p.

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