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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the implementation of airmobile technologies for the purpose of emergency rescue and search and rescue operations, carrying out measures to protect the population in case of natural and man-made emergencies, measures to eliminate the consequences of emergencies in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with its huge distances and the focal nature of infrastructure development is due to: an underdeveloped road network; the dispersion of settlements over a vast territory and remoteness small settlements from district centers with vital infrastructure; seasonality of navigation of water transport; the rapidly developing economic activity in the region, the need for search and rescue and rescue support for facilities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. When analyzing the effectiveness of airmobile technologies used to deliver personnel of rescue units and various cargoes when performing tasks for their intended purpose in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the following aspects of the use of aviation during search and rescue tasks by units of EMERCOM of Russia were considered: types, tactical and technical characteristics, capabilities of aircraft equipped with aviation of EMERCOM of Russia; ways of implementing airmobile technologies for the delivery of personnel and cargo by air transport; the specifics of the implementation of airmobile technologies in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. In order to ensure the implementation of airmobile technologies, a number of measures are recommended, in particular, to organize an airborne service in the Arctic integrated emergency rescue center, to provide cargo and human parachute systems, landing equipment and property.

airmobile technologies, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, emergency rescue operations, search and rescue operations, aircraft, Arctic integrated emergency rescue center, airmobile group
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